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Understanding Female Libido
Since the dawn of time, sex has been a driving factor in personal and social interactions. Yet throughout the years, decades, and centuries, the research has been limited in addressing female libido. It has long been taken for granted that men are the only ones to desire sex and take enjoyment from it, and until recently, it has been the men who have benefited from the science of libido enhancers.
Daily factors that cause a low, unsatisfactory female libido
Though the term ‘libido’ has been around for hundreds of years, it is only within the last decade that female libido has reached the medical community. With all the male sexual enhancers out there, it’s about time science caught up with the ladies! There are many reasons behind a low libido these days. Women are working more and have more pressures on them. Lifestyle choices, including smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as medical conditions like diabetes, all play a factor in low female libido.
Both men and women experience a drop in their sex drive from time to time, and this is normal. There are many reasons for these temporary decreases in libido. Aside from life’s daily stresses, there could be a number of reasons a woman shows little or no interest in sex, whether it’s emotional issues or physical problems.
Medical origins of a low female libido
Sexual dysfunction is a problem with the act of having sex during any point during the encounter. It can start with lack of desire, but extend all the way to failure to reach orgasm. Sometimes problems reaching orgasm can turn around and affect desire because if a woman knows there is no resolution to the sex act, there’s no point in having intercourse.
Sexual Arousal Disorder refers to a problem in either achieving or maintaining sexual desire. Long before medical science started looking into female libido, they used to call this medical problem frigidity. We now know that there are a number of reasons for not having an active libido, not the least of which is vaginal moisture.
Achieving your full sexual satisfaction potential
While it’s true the answer to low female libido may lie in an undiscovered medical problem, it can be as simple as your own personal lubrication. Even a normal female libido can be accentuated by a sexual enhancement product designed specifically for women for precisely this issue. What if through nothing more than a proper mixture of natural ingredients could boost your sex drive, or improve a dull sex life?
One of the most effective products available is HerSolution a powerful, all-natural vitality booster that can revive a dull sex life - or create one that never reached its full potential. Men have had their own enhancers for years now, when it’s a painful fact that there are proportionately more women with libido problems than men. Female libido can come out of the shadows of words like “frigid,” and bask in the light of female sexual enhancements like HerSolution, which not only enhances your orgasmic pleasure, but arouses every element of your sensual female parts!