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Sometimes it seems life drains everything right out of you-and you've got no time or energy to recharge or feel energized for making love. If your idea of foreplay is a nap, you need to get HerSolution-the all-natural herb and vitamin supplement with the power to reinvigorate your body and re-ignite passion in your love life!


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The Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction involves a repetitive or ongoing problem in one or more of the stages of sexual response. Female libido, like the female body, is very complex, and it stands to reason that if there’s a problem, the answer will likely involve several factors. More often than not, the cause behind female sexual dysfunction is multifaceted, and while each woman is different, many of the problems are similar, or at least not restricted to just one woman.

The medical causes

If you find yourself suddenly lacking in any sexual desire, take a look at what kinds of medicines you’re on. Something as seemingly innocent as an antihistamine can not only lower your sex drive, but wreak havoc in your ability to reach orgasm. In a world where we all seem to be allergic to one thing or another, there are few people out there who are not taking prescription antihistamine. Not only do allergy medications decrease desire, but when they’re drying up your sinuses, they’re also drying up your vaginal secretions, a necessary counterpart in sexual satisfaction.

Prescription antidepressants are highly regarded as libido destroyers, and they all but eliminate your chances of reaching orgasm. Blood pressure medications also affect libido. If you have no libido, you’re most certainly not going to have an orgasm!

It’s all in your head

Women’s libido starts in the mind. If your brain is turned off to sexual advances, then your body won’t be turned on. With all that you have going on in your life, you may feel that it’s impossible to find time to even think about sex – but that’s where it all begins! Perhaps you’re so tired that you can’t wrap your head around sex. If you’ve just had a baby, not only are you exhausted, but your hormones aren’t even close to normal. If you’re entering menopause, stabilized hormones are a joke.

Hormonal issues can be the cause or result of changes in your body and genital areas. During menopause, your sexual responsiveness may change due to a shrinking labia and exposing more of the clitoris. The vaginal lining begins to thin, and it takes longer to become lubricated, thus aroused. After childbirth, several changes are taking place. Your body is trying to regain its former shape, you are adapting to your new role as a mother, and if you’re breastfeeding, it just adds to the complications.

A great time to be a woman

There has never been a better time to be a woman than now, with all the medical advances and studies focused on female sexuality. Whether you’re just entering your life as a sexual being, or you’ve gone through an entire life of great sex and now need a boost, feminine research is on your side. Female sexual enhancements like HerSolution provide arousal for the mind and body. HerSolution will free your mind to think about and want sex, and get your blood flowing to all your sensual female parts to increase libido and shower you with intense orgasms.

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